Friday, June 24, 2011

I Have The Most Random Thoughts

Seriously, I have some of the most random ideas and thoughts. I have no idea where they came from. I know I think they’re funny, and I know that my friends who have known me forever actually have come to expect that sort of stuff from me. Or maybe it’s simply that I have always said whatever popped into my head (I don’t really have a filter…I say what I’m thinking) and they are all used to it. My best friend Emily thinks it’s hilarious. We’ll just be sitting around, enjoying some Florida sunshine, and I’ll look at her out of the blue and say something like “You know what would be fun? Wheelchair races with no brakes. And the referees could be in Radio Flyer wagons.”
And she doesn’t even blink. She and our other 2 best friends, Mike and Chris, will actually take a second and think about it, and respond like it’s perfectly normal. Which, for them, it actually is. Honestly, they are great people to tell my weird ideas to, because they will come up with helpful suggestions and questions. I can actually see Mike in my head right now asking, very seriously, “How would the refs push themselves in the wagons?” Or Chris with a logical reaction of “Would we be pushing ourselves or being pushed?” 
The boyfriend is the same. The randomness doesn’t faze him at all. He seems to get a kick out of it, and I love his rational responses to my random thoughts. “Hey, we should go skip somewhere.” “Hmm, Jyss…not really in a skipping mood right now, but maybe later...or you can skip, and I’ll watch.”
Welcome to my world.
And the randomness never ends! Sometimes it goes away for a time, like hibernation in my mind, and sometimes it bubbles out. Perfect example! Here are my last 2 Facebook status updates, one posted yesterday afternoon and the other this morning. No joke, these are the kinds of things I think about.

Posted on 6/23/2011 at 1:30 pm:
It's weird to think that someday there will be a whole generation of 80 year old who know all the words to the Fresh Prince rap theme. When im in my 80s, im going to organize a large choir full of other old people and we're going to sing acapella versions of 90s tv show theme songs. WHO’S IN??”

Posted on 6/24/2011 at around 9 am:
“You can tell what she was REALLY saying was "(Are you KIDDING ME?) It's wingardium levi-OH-sa, not levi-oh-SAAAAA. (You redhaired soulless moron. How did you even dress yourself this morning? Geez!) Swish and FLICK."

Inexplicably, I literally could not stop thinking about this last night as I was falling asleep. You're welcome, world.

Of course, that last one references Harry Potter. Another weird thought I am having right now also involves Harry Potter. Specifically, Hermione. I literally just thought to myself: “Even though I don’t believe in Jesus, the water-into-wine trick is pretty sweet. I wish I could do water-into-champagne. I wonder if Jesus could choose. Hmm…I bet wizards could do it. Even if HP didn’t know how, I betcha Hermione could figure it out. She’s a smart one, always reading. Man, I love to read.”
I am not making that up, that is exactly how I thought of it. I tend to write the same way I’d think or speak something.
Oh yeah, and like 10 friends all commented on my old-people-acapella-choir idea. The comments ranged from “I AM SO IN!” to “Only you would think of this…”
I love my friends. I am a lucky duck.