Thursday, September 8, 2011

In Preparation Of The Greatest Holiday of the Year!

It is that time of year again. It is September, and I am officially getting a late start on thinking about Halloween costumes. I am usually thinking about this in July! In fact, I gave it some thought off and on over the last month or so, but not really, and I haven’t made any firm decisions.
The boyfriend said my penguin/james bond idea was dumb. WELL! I’ll have you know that penguins are adorable and always in their formalwear, and Bond is always in a tux…perfect combo! But he’s right in that if I am that costume, then it would be difficult for everyone else to see both. They’ll see one or the other, most likely penguin, because I like to waddle around and make squeaky penguin-y sounds. And then people will just get confused when they see the gun.
“Are you a homicidal penguin?”
“Noooo…..but I guess that’s one option.”

So, I have this theory about Halloween and fireworks. They may seem unrelated…just give me a second, you’ll see where I’m going with this.
These are the only times that some adults really allow themselves to let loose and enjoy, like they did when they were kids. Next time you are watching a fireworks show, take a second and look around. Everyone, from little kids to really-super-old people, is looking up, openmouthed in wonder and enjoyment.
As for Halloween, my favorite holiday, it is the perfect excuse for those same people to let loose, and dress up and act silly and be someone else for a day. It is the one day a year that this is more than acceptable, it’s encouraged! You can be anyone, evil or good, villain or hero, real or imaginary, inanimate or a character. It doesn’t matter, everyone is doing it! In fact, you would look weird and out of place if you DIDN’T dress up and act silly.
And though it pains me to know that there are a lot of people out there that care so much about what strangers think that they actually restrict themselves while going through normal daily life, I understand how and why it happens.
I am not one of those people. I love to be silly! And as for Halloween, I use it for fun. It is not an excuse to be half-dressed as some “sexy bumblebee” or “sexy Astroturf Installer.” No, I would almost always rather be funny than sexy. Besides, I think making someone laugh IS sexy! So there!
Last year, I was a sumo wrestler. IT WAS AWESOME.

It was a fully self-contained self-inflating costume, that ran on a battery pack in my pocket. How do I add pictures to this thing? I have a picture of me in the sumo costume! [edit: I googled how to add pictures! Way easier than I thought...] Trust me, there is nothing sexy about a woman in a suit of a 600 pound man in a thong (the thong on my costume was red).
The year before that, I was a whoopee cushion. And not just ANY whoopee cushion, a working one. I had gotten a real self-inflating whoopee cushion, and belted it to my stomach underneath the costume, so when people walked by, I could press it and make the fart sound! It was a huge hit at the office…

Now for costume ideas for this year. So far, I’ve only come up with a few.
-Penguin/James Bond
-Thomas the Tank Engine
-The Sun (self-made out of Styrofoam and felt, and maybe find someone to be the moon. And then we can align and shout “TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART”)
-Pac-Man (this also includes other people, as I would need people to dress up as ghosts, perhaps on rollerskates, and then we’d chase each other around)
-Use the actual mat from Twister to make a dress/toga and then use board as a hat.

And that’s all I have so far. I usually have more ideas by now, though. Oh well, luckily there is still time. Feel free to leave suggestions, though! What were your greatest Halloween costumes?

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