Friday, January 6, 2012

A Poem About Me That Ends With An Unsaid "So THERE!"

Would it bother you if I said the voices in my head are telling me to sing?
Would you walk away even if I told you that I can explain everything?
Do you let those little voices keep you up throughout the night?
When I start falling, it’s bound to be a long, long flight.

When you start to wonder why the world is pretty bleak,
And you ask me why every word you say is sounding weak.
I’ll have to answer with honesty, or truth, or hard-won fact.
You’re looking at it upside-down, too far away, your view’s become abstract.

I may be a little off-center, out of left field, or slightly odd,
But no one can make listen when they tell me I am flawed.
Hard-learned lessons, putting self-respect on an endless loop inside my head,
They saw my happiness take over as my insecurities were shed. 

No one will ever hit me twice, I would never stay,
And when cheated upon, I’ve turned and walked away.
Respect for myself, confidence in me
Makes everything in my life better; it holds the key.

I may not be the best, the top, or number one.
I have no aching desire to be what you consider fun.
Judge me all you want, but listen up, here’s profound:
You’re the one talking about me, not the other way around.

....hmm....guess the 'so there' (please imagine that with ridiculously pretentious air-quotes) actually WAS said. Right there in the beginning. Oh, well. leaving it as is. Screw you, people who take things too literally! :P


  1. hello!
    great poem!!


    I dined out at Christmas eve and stayed home all day long at Christmas.

    And at New year's day either.

    What did YOU do at Christmas and New year's day?

    have you been to the Times Square for new year celebration?

    1. hey, thanks!

      I spent xmas eve at Boyfriend's parent's house, and then xmas day, I went to Washignton DC to be with my family for the last couple days of Hanukkah.

      I've never been to Times Square for new years, because it's so crowded and busy! I figure I can enjoy hanging out with my friends and watch it on tv like everyone else, haha!
