Friday, June 29, 2012


Ahhh, payday. One of the most anticipated joys of adulthood. Don’t get me wrong, there is a ton of stuff that is awesome about being an adult: I can go where I want, when I want, I can eat ice cream in my favorite flavor at any time of the day or night, I can eat meals from wherever I want, or not eat if I’m not hungry, I definitely pick out my own clothes (on second thought, that one might sometimes be a negative), I can travel alone, I don’t have a curfew, and most importantly, there are no annoying brothers at my apartment sticking their stinky feet anywhere near my face. No, now my boyfriend thinks it’s funny to do just that. Sigh. Boys!

Anyway! Back to the most wonderful of all things adult-y. PAYDAY. I always anticipate payday. Sometimes I am in the black and it is not a need-it-right-now type of anticipation, more of an “ahhh, money” type of feeling. Other times, I had all of my bills due out of the last paycheck, and then suddenly was like “OK! I have $13 to live on for the next week and a half! Aaaaaaand go!”

That is when I look MOST forward to the next payday.
This is what payday looks like in my dreams. But as a brunette.
It’s just kind of amazing. Sometimes, when work is slow, I can sit back and say to myself “HA! They are paying me for THIS!” And other times, work is insanely busy and I start to think “I don’t think they pay me enough for this...”

Today is payday in my world. But not if I owe you money. Then, I don’t even have a job. In fact, I died. Sorry, take it up with the Reaper.

It is just a nice, grown-up sort of feeling. To be compensated monetarily for work that I do. My parents didn’t do it that way. I was their kid, therefore I did chores, and money was not an incentive, though NOT doing the chores certainly held consequences.

Other grown up feelings for me include:
-Suddenly realizing I can skip whenever I want and no one can tell me not to.
-Having a conversation about things like “interest rates” and “investment opportunities” and having that bizarre are-we-really-talking-about-this feelings, but actually knowing what it all means.
-Making all the puns I want.
-Looking for apartments or at cars. Those make me feel remarkably grown up.
-Making decisions for traveling!
-Going to bed whenever I want!
Weird things about being an adult:
-Your friends start getting married or having babies, and you’re like “Wait! I’m not ready for all this! I’m still only 13 on the inside and in maturity!”
-When you really want to sleep in, but you have “responsibilities.” Sigh.
-That weird feeling that sometimes comes over me like “I have no idea what I’m talking about!” Except that I really do, it just feels weird. Like politics. 10 years ago, I had no idea. Now, I follow them more. And that seems odd to me.
-Making all your own decisions. I still call my mom for advice and stuff, but really, it all comes down to me. That’s superweird.
-Buying furniture. You just don’t think about that stuff as a kid.

In conclusion, I like being adult-y and nyah-nyah to all those kids who are not. Also, I could so go for an ice cream sandwich right now. Or possibly waffles?

I leave you with this picture of a basset hound running. It made me laugh and if it doesn't make YOU laugh, then you are stone cold and I don't know if we should be friends anymore. 
In my head, he is thinking "Oh GOD WHY AM I running? What am I doing?!"

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