Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Gambling My Life Away

If my work had a talent show, I wouldn’t sing. I mean, come on, that would be so EXPECTED. I sing in my office, on the street, in the bathroom, quietly to myself in public, when I’m bored, when I’m happy, or when I’m writing a new song. And etcetera.
Wouldn’t want to be too obvious, now would we? However, I could enter the talent show with some chainsaw-juggling, or sword-swallowing, or perhaps some comedic monologue. First, I would need to learn to juggle while simultaneously not chopping off a limb, swallow a sword without dying, and then learn how to act.

...oh, look at that. I’m acting like I already know how. CHECK. CHECKEROO. CHECKTOWN, Population: 1.

Life is NOT like a box of chocolates. Unfortunately for Gump, he apparently never turned over the top of the box and saw the little map of what everything was. Life is like a huge poker game. You’re going in blind, you only know your own cards, you bluff your way through a lot of situations, and in the end, win or lose, you still played the game. Life is a gamble.

I like to gamble.

In fact, I come from a gambling family. My grandparents are cardsharks. My grandfather will steal all your pennies at the poker games we play without remorse, and with considerable skill. My grandma is also a great player and loves it. In fact, we’re all gamblers. We love casinos. The noise, the people, the vague desperation mixed with the heady scent of winning. You see all walks of life on the casino floor, and you can see the happiest and the saddest in people.

Word of advice: Never hit on a 12 or higher.

Life is sometimes simply a roll of the dice. You don’t know what will come up, you can’t guarantee any particular combination, but you know the basic parameters of the game, even if you don’t understand all the particular nuances yet.

Hmm...for me, life is like craps. I don’t understand all of it, but it looks and sounds hella fun, and I want to play! I will play. People say ‘life is short’ and I guess you can think so, but I disagree. Life is the longest thing any of us will ever experience! So experience the hell out of life! Drink beer, play cards, hang out with friends. Work hard, play hard, love hard.
NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENS HERE. But it seems really awesome.
When I love someone, I love hard. Whether it is a significant other, a friend, a family member, or string cheese, it doesn’t matter. I have a hard and steady type of love. It is unconditional. It never says “If only you didn’t do THIS.” or “I’d love you more if you were like THAT.” I am not talking about lust or companionship or even familial bonds.

My love isn’t soft, or minor, or small. I like, and I love, with all of myself. This has burned me in the past, of course. And I would be naive to say that I won’t ever get hurt by it again, but am I going to let some hurt feelings and perhaps a bruised ego stand in the way? Of course not. Life is all about the people you surround yourself with and the way you feel about yourself and those people. I have a support system of honest, amazing, rambunctious, loving friends and family, and I know every day how lucky I am to have them.

Soft, crappy, inconsequential love or like is the worst. When you are 2 steps above apathy. You like someone, but you wouldn’t go out of your way for them. No thanks, movin' on.

I wonder about people who don’t gamble at all, who never take any risks or jump from the plane. I don’t mean unnecessary risks, like jumping without a parachute, or playing Russian roulette with a kamikaze pilot. I just mean fun risks. Riding a scary roller coaster, skiing, falling in love at least once, learning something new, flicking a spider with your bare finger (gasp!).

I also wonder about people who can’t help but gamble. I mean, the compulsion of it, the hint of feeling like everything is riding on one card or roll of the die. I couldn’t live like that, constantly on the edge between destitute and elation, not sure which way you’d fall. I am a big believer in a comfortable middle ground.

Enjoy risk, but the golden rule always applies:
Never gamble with more than you can afford to lose.

Love is a gamble. Relationships are hard. They can be confusing and scary and exciting and comfortable, all at the same time. Wouldn’t be as fun if they were boring!

Love, my dear, young, sweet readers, is a ridiculous, silly, fun, treacherous, dangerous, scary, rewarding ride that everyone should try. Fear is fine. Everyone feels fear. But to allow that fear to hold you back from something that can so significantly impact your life in the best (and sometimes worst) way, is lacking courage. Courage, bravery, is when you do something even though it scares you.

In fact, I recently wrote a song about it. I had this phrase “Bravery in the face of fire” floating around in my head for quite a while, before finally writing a wonderful song about it and getting it out of my head and onto the page.

I hope, one day, to be 85 years old and still playing poker. I dislike the slot machines, but not because the odds are so terrible, and not because I dislike happy clanging and bells and whistles when you win. THAT I enjoy. I dislike the slot machines because they aren’t interactive. Playing poker and roulette and blackjack at least require a modicum of skill, and paying attention, and interacting with the dealer. I like that. :) Even when you lose, you get your money’s worth of play.

So there you have it. Life is not a box of chocolates or a bowl of cherries, or any of those trite things you read on Hallmark cards. Life is a gamble, a rush, a throw of the dice. So, play hard, love hard, bluff when you need to, learn how to lose gracefully, and know when to fold ‘em and walk away.

But trust me on this one: Never hit on a 12 or higher.

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