Thursday, August 8, 2013

Yet Another Prose-y Poem In This World About The Memories of Long Ago Summers.

As summer
Once again,
Winds down,

The whisper of
the whippoorwills
Whistles softly through,
the wind carrying it far from here.

The softly springing grass
slowly, sadly,
fades from lush to
lifeless and worn.

Those damn love bugs
Are almost somewhat missed
once they've flown off
And left,
as though the sunny warmth has faded with them.

The cerulean of the summer sky
As it met with turquoise paradise
on the horizon.
From my perch on the sand,

Seems to have been just
Another memory.
Another of those
might have beens.

Those days we miss,
The nights the warm wind
blew between our bare toes
As we walked hand in hand;
Every step bringing us closer to

I still remember the way it felt,
standing on the cusp of life.
Forever ahead,
Forever behind.

When we still counted our lives
in terms of forevers.
When we still ran barefoot,
When summer was not
just a season,
But a lifestyle.
Yep, I wrote a poem about summers past. Those hazy-yet-surely-amazing memories of days we barely remember. But in the memories we do have, it is like any other bit of nostalgia. You know the type. Those "simpler times." Those "good old days."

Back when prices were lower, politicians were honorable, kids knew manners, and things were simpler for us all.

Of course, that's crap. Life sucks sometimes, it's is hard, summer is too hot, your car is about a bajillion degrees when you get in it, and you think your thighs have melted into the seat. Friends still lied, kids got bored, and parents prayed for school to start back again.

But when we look back and think of those days, those lazy, hazy days of summers past, we only remember the good moments. Our first kisses, how the days seemed to last forever, the way your friends were always available to ride bikes in the neighborhood, and how school seemed like forever and a day away.

And who would I be to ruin those precious lying-straight-to-your-face memories?


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