Friday, March 21, 2014

Real, Live PENGUINS And Other NZ Adventures.

So I just came home from a super-magnificently-rad 2 week vacation in NEW ZEALAND with Boyfriend, my dad, my big brother, and my sister-in-law. 

I actually think of her as my big sis, but I can see how it would be weird for other people if I were to say "brother and sister and their 2 children" in the course of conversation. The "in law" moniker is only for designation, to show that we are from Alabama.

So, off we 4 went on the longest freaking flight EVER and eventually landed in NZ feeling mildly gross, kind of tired, weirdly achy, and in need of a shower and some teeth-brushing. 

I took over 200 pictures while we were there, and we spent the whole 2 weeks exploring the north island. Everywhere we went, the entire country is gorgeous and scenic and demanding you to just pull over to the side of the road and take a picture. Over 200 pictures and 95% of them are animals and landscapes. You really don't see MY adventures in NZ, so much as sheep, rolling greenery, lakes, AND PENGUINS. 

YESSSS. You read that right! I saw real live penguins IN THE TUX. 

It was amazing. I spent a lot of time watching penguins. Boyfriend, who thinks my obsession with penguins is both cute and a little unnatural, figured he'd enjoy it for 5 minutes and move on to the sharks. NOPE NOPE NOPE. He spent just as long as I did gazing down on these munchkins filled with adorableness and the wish to fly.
SQUEEEE! Penguins holding hands!!


They have gathered to discuss important things, like politics. The one on the far right is sitting on his egg.
 I have never felt so alive as when I was hangin' with the 'guins. 
This one is dancing. I love him.
Ok, moving on from penguins. Here are some non-animal related picture. They're pretty much all landscapes.
The beach on the Tasman Sea.

Ruakuri Cave in Waitomo, NZ.
 And the weather was just beautiful. All of these pictures were taken on my cell phone and they came out completely awesome! Look at this gorgeous day we had in Middle Earth!
Hobbiton from up by Bag's End. 

Part of Hobbiton from below. Adorable wee hobbit holes!

The lake by our campground near Rotorua, NZ. Sunset approaching.

A big-ass snowcapped mountain, with a volcano behind it on the right.
Aaaaaaaand back to animals. There are a lot of animals in New Zealand. Specifically, there are a lot of sheep. Sheep is a big deal there, with the wool and the delicious meat and all. They have delicious lamb dishes everywhere! 

Look at those amazing shofars...I mean horns.


Here are more animals of whom I took portraits.
I happened to catch him as he was moving and caught his eye!

This little dude smiled for the camera.

BABY ALPACAS. I want to own one. I'll keep him with my penguin and they'll become unlikely best friends and go on adventures together forever.

Grown up alpacas eating from the palm of my hand!

Giant T-Rex on the side of the road and a cool sign.

I had a good time. It was very rad. And getting to chill with Boyfriend, big bro, sis-in-law, and dad for all of the adventures? Just made it even better. I can't wait to do it again in a couple to a few years, and all go somewhere else!

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