Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!

Hello, 2015, nice to meet you! I am having trouble remembering to write 2015 on checks and dates and stuff, but otherwise, you seem pretty rad so far! And Boyfriend and I are adopting a kitten next month!!

Happy new year to one and all! I love holidays and beginnings, though not so much ends of things. I love opening a whole new year, to discover what’s waiting for me on the other side. I enjoy looking back at the past year and being appreciative of what I’ve had or done or experienced.

Now, I’m not going to drag you through a rundown of 2014, I promise! I’ll just hit the highlights really quickly.

In 2014, Boyfriend and I went to New Zealand for 2 weeks with my brother and sister-in-law, to visit my dad. We spent an amazing 2 weeks just driving around the north island and stopping wherever we wanted, and staying in these cool little campgrounds, and taking pictures. Also, I saw Hobbit holes, which was really, really rad.

In 2014, I saw my nephew turn 4, one niece turn 7, and the other niece turn 1. I saw my best friend (who lives in Florida) an unprecedented 6 times this year! With us living so far apart, that is actually a banner year for us!

In 2014, I got to spend a fourth year with Boyfriend, and we decided not to move out of our current apartment, a decision we regretted almost immediately! We love the apartment itself, but the building is so old and the floors and ceilings are so thin, it is super annoying!! We shall move this summer.

And now, instead of the long, involved, probably boring-for-you recap of what a great year I had, and the adventures I went on, and the things I hope for this year, please enjoy these pictures that I’ve collected that make me laugh.


Happy New Year!!!!!

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