Monday, March 9, 2015

Cats are Drunk Toddler Terrorists, and I Love It

Fiance and I got a kitten! He is only 3 months old now, and we've spent the last 3 weeks getting used to life with our new family member. He is so cute and fluffy that it’s hard to get mad at him, and we have been adapting our lives to him and his needs.

I've seen a lot of dog and cat shaming on the internet, as well as hilarious blogs and posts about toddlers and their antics. Reasons My Son Is Crying is a funny blog with pictures showing crying toddlers and the funny reasons why they are crying, such as a picture of a little girl crying with the caption “I wouldn't let her play with a bag of dog poop.” (Here is a collection of some of the funniest from this blog)

At this point, I think everyone will agree that toddlers are basically tiny drunk (adorable, hilarious) terrorists. And animals can be, too. Our kitty, Dexter, is always underfoot and has already cuddled his way into our hearts, but let’s be honest: Cats can be assholes, too. Now, this is not about him being douchey, just about his toddler-like reasons for crying. Mostly for no reason at all!

So, I decided to create a meme about my silly kitten and what he cries about. Here is my contribution: Why Is My Cat Crying? Enjoy!! (This meme was made using, and uploading my own picture of Dexter and then assigning text)

Let me know what you think! Does your cat cry for ridiculous or funny reasons? Feel free to share a picture of your little furball-love-terrorist and let me know why he's freaking out today!

Photo credit to Fiance. Memes created using

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